In a dimly lit underground parking lot, two young individuals engage in a late-night conversation within the confines of a parked car. As they delve into various aspects of life in Jamaica, the PASSENGER introduces a compelling crime-fighting concept aimed at transforming the nation plagued by a high murder rate.
However, the tranquility of the moment is abruptly disrupted when a car enters the parking lot, revealing that the youths are not exactly who they initially appeared to be. The narrative takes an unexpected turn, introducing an element of suspense and intrigue that promises to unravel as the story unfolds. |
Directed by
Chris Browne Written by Chris Browne Associate Producer Bruce Hart Starring Kadeem Wilson O'Daine Clarke Kyle Chin Shiaiene Blake |
Jamaican FilmmakerChristopher Browne, started out studying Fine Arts at The Atlanta College of Arts, before he worked with Director/Producer Perry Henzell (The Harder They Come, 1972) on his last feature film No Place Like Home, 1982. Since then, he has made two of Jamaica's biggest feature films (Ghett'a Life, 2011 and Third World Cop, 1999.)
In between producing and directing commercials, he took on the role of writer and director for the short film "Ignorance is a Lifestyle," showcasing his enduring dedication to the art of storytelling. |
Ignorance is a lifestyle / 2024
Running time - 6 minutes Tech specs : 2.40:1 Cameras I Red Helium 8K , Komodo 6K Lens I Zeiss Super speeds 'B' series T1.4 |
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